Straseni Residence II

  • Locatia:or. Starșeni
  • Aria:14 350 m.p
  • Arhitect Șef : Burminschii Victor
  • Inginer Șef: Samoșin Serghei
  • Arhitecți: Serdiuc Vasile, Tintar Elena
  • Ingineri: Moraru Daniel, Zugrav Mihail
  • An: 2021
Residential complex composed of three blocks of flats with the height regime D + P + 8E with 165 apartments has a modern, minimalist architecture, and is strategically designed and compartmentalized so that each tenant feels comfortable and safe at home. And the shrill shade of brick and railings on the first levels will dominate the surroundings.
Basement: parking / commercial spaces
Ground floor: apartments with 1-2 rooms / commercial spaces.
Floor Type: apartments with 1-3 rooms